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It is now the auspicious period of Navaratri. It brings a marvelous opportunity of introspection and transformation. During this period many engage in different activities. This article will explore the essence of Navaratri Sadhana and how we can aspire for profound personal transformation.
The journey of transformation during Navaratri is a symbolic representation of how we tangle ourselves in the loops of 8 dimensions of life and the effort that we have to make, to open the 9 secret doorways so as to allow the expression of divinity to manifest as our physical, vital and mental frequencies of life.
Atharva Veda & Tantra
Tantra Yoga is the product of Atharvaveda and in Atharvaveda there is a Mantra:
It is in the insuperable world with 8 centers and 9 doorways, hidden in it, resides the golden Light, the cosmic universal divinity. It is on this divine space with 3 spikes that the 3 pillared world is established. Atharva Veda 10.2.31 32
Many translate the 8 chakras as the well-known chakras and the 9 doorways as the holes in our body.
But let us understand and make some effort to know if there is any subtle symbolic representation of 9 doorways rather than simple holes in our body.
Because the context of 8 chakras is subtle, and hence by this logic, the 9 doorways also should be in the subtle context and not gross physical.
Even the next two lines of the mantra indicate the same because it says that the physical, vital and the mental frequencies (worlds) are established upon this city of divinity which has 8 centers and 9 doorways.
In other words, Physicality is the byproduct of these 8 chakras and 9 dwaras. Hence 9 dwaras are subtle and not the mere physical holes in our body.
Also, the 8 chakras are the 8 subtle dimensions or aspects of life and not mere junctions located in the physical body.
What are the Nine doorways that hides the universal cosmic divinity within?
What are the 8 dimensions of life represented by 8 chakras?
How to work with these 8 dimensions to open these doorways and experience a profound personal transformation?
This is where Tantra Yoga and Shakta school of Tantra Philosophy reveals the secrets hidden within the Atharva Vedic Mantra.
Tantra Yoga & Shri Vidya
If you are a person who googles a lot, then for sure you might have seen the image of “Shri Yantra” if not do it now. And capture the image in your mind.
Shri Chakra is the representation of Tantra Yoga Sadhana which embodies the concept of 8 chakras, 9 dwaras and the spectrum of lowest limitation to the highest spiritual experience.
By progressing in the Sri Vidya Tantra Yoga Sadhana, every human not only learns to live the life to its fullest but also opens the doorways for the fulfillment of material and spiritual aspirations culminating in the blissful union of supreme consciousness (Kundalini) with the divine experience.
10 days and 9 nights starting from 3rd to 12th of October is a symbolic representation of this human journey through the 9 doorways.
Every aspirant strives towards transforming the 8 aspects of life one by one. Upon mastery of every aspect, at the pinnacle, stands the doorway to the next aspect of life. Let us understand this further.
Day 1 : Foundation
Japa : Mooladhara Mantra
Chakra : Kaali Yantra (Mooladhara)
Dwara : Trilokamohana Tantra
In this journey, the very first Aspect of Sadhana is to establish a strong foundation for the transformation of the physical, vital and mental frequencies.
Every human functions by the influence of these 3 frequencies. Just as the seed hides the potentiality of becoming a huge tree, so does the First aspect ‘Kaali’ hides the potentiality of all other aspects of Life to transform and manifest. Hence it is called “Mooladhara” or the Potential Foundation of Life in the microcosm and Shaila Putri/ Kaali in the Macrocosmic Existence.
With the Japa of Mooladhara Mantra and contemplation on Kali Yantra, the aspirant naturally learns the techniques to open the first doorway of self-transformation called Trilokamohana. To simply translate, it is the ability to gain mastery over the Physical, Vital and Mental frequencies.
Day 2 : Self Expression
Japa : Swadhishthana Mantra
Chakra : Bhuvaneshwari Yantra (Swadhishthana)
Dwara : Sarvasha Paripoorana Tantra
The second Aspect of Sadhana is to establish control over natural instincts and emotions. It is our instincts like hunger, anger, lust, jealousy, greed, attachments and detachments that keep us in the loop of pain and suffering.
All our worldly pleasure binds us and engulfs us within the dimensions of physical reality. These instincts and mastery over them creates a foundation for limited self- Identities.
Also read – 6 Evils of Life
Hence it is called “Swadhishthana” (Seat of the Instinctive-Self). Bhuvaneswari is the personified form of worldly pleasures. Bhuvaneshwari Mantra helps the aspirant to go beyond the clutches of pleasures and develop a sense of contentment.
Every aspirant who does the Japa of Swadhishthana Mantra by contemplating on Bhuvaneshwari Yantra, Learns the techniques of being content in Life.
Day 3 : Identities
Japa : Manipura Mantra
Chakra : Bhairavi Yantra (Manipura)
Dwara : Sarvasamkshobhana Tantra
The third Aspect of Sadhana is to overcome the limited identities that we hold strong to establish or acknowledge our existence. When the limited identities that you believe are agitated or shaken is when you wake up from the slumber and try to find who you actually are and what your real purpose of life is.
Unless and until these limited identities are safe and protected, it is difficult for an aspirant to grow out of limitations. Hence It is important to shake, agitate and learn to zone out from the limited identities. Sometimes pain, suffering, humiliation and failures help us realize our limited identities.
Life might seem wrathful and fiercy when our beliefs of identities are shaken, but once we learn and grow out of it is when we realize that the same painful situations are the doorways of betterment. Bhairavi is the personification of such agitations and churnings in life.
Every aspirant learns to overcome the limited identities through the Japa of Bhairavi Mantra and contemplation on Manipura Yantra. Through this, he gains the maturity to welcome agitations and perceive them not as negative rather than the gifted doorway that leads towards transformation.
Read More – How to Overcome the limited Identities through Tantra Yoga
Day 4 : Transformation
Japa : Hrid-Padma Mantra
Chakra : Tara Yantra (Hrit Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvasowbhagya Tantra
The fourth Aspect of Sadhana is to overcome the relations and bondages with all that might pull us back into limited identities. This is the most difficult aspect, just as difficult as swimming across an ocean.
Because our past experiences might tell us, even make us believe that the desires, likes, dislikes and the way we relate with them is what makes life. Unfortunately, we have never experienced Life beyond these limited desires. We seldom desire the “unlimited”.
The Bridge that can help us cross the ocean of limited desires, the energy that can detach us from the limited likes and dislikes and yoke us with the higher aspirations is personified as Tara.
Hrid-Padma Mantra Japa and contemplation on Tara Yantra will help us open the doorways of Prosperity, growth and transformation.
Day 5 : Life Essence
Japa : Anahata Mantra
Chakra : Kamalatmika Yantra (Anahata Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvarthasadhaka Tantra
The fifth Aspect of Sadhana is to cognize, contemplate and realize the essence of human Life. Just as a microscope helps you to see more than what you see, just as the telescope helps you see more than what you could see, so is this 4th aspect of Life called Anahata (Undisturbed).
Have you ever seen a yogi just as Shri Krishna describes in Bhagavad-Gita? The one who is just like the drop of water on a lotus leaf, the one who is undisturbed by the dualities of life, the one who is unyielding to the fluctuations of likes and dislikes?
The Yogi who has unlocked the powers to aspire the unlimitedness will never be deluded by the temporary worldly pleasures. Rather he will be in a state of contentment which attracts all that he needs for a prosperous and peaceful life. This state of being or energy is called Kamalatmika.
The japa of Anahata Mantra and contemplation on Kamalatmika Yantra bestows the aspirant with the powers to open the doorways of realizing the true meaning and purpose of desires, relations and Life in its fullest.
Day 6 : Communication
Japa : Vishuddhi Mantra
Chakra : Bagalamukhi Yantra (Vishuddhi Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvarakshakara Tantra
The sixth Aspect of Sadhana is to master the power of communication. Communication with oneself and the world around. The most difficult task in Life is to gain mastery of speech. In other words, it is to learn what we should communicate, how we should communicate, why and when we should communicate.
Most of the yogis slip from their wonderful path at this stage. The way they communicate with themselves will itself be a reason for their downfall if they communicate or rattle off their achievements rather than letting their experience, humility and wisdom be communicated.
Communication is nothing but transfer of vital, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energy. The purpose for which we use it will help us retain or drain this energy.
Hence it is very important to learn and master communication. Our speech, actions and thoughts should communicate communion and solidarity. The energy that adores a yogi towards mastering communication is called Bagalamukhi.
Day 7 : Supra-mental Intelligence
Japa : Ajna Mantra
Chakra : ChinnaMasta Yantra (Ajna Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvarogahara Tantra
The seventh Aspect of Sadhana is to overcome and master the intellectual and intuitive powers of cognition. All problems in our life arise due to our own cognition and the way we understand or perceive them.
Every normal human understands, communicates, relates, identifies and acknowledges only the limitations. The moment the limitations are perceived we attempt to label them as ‘good or bad’, ‘right or wrong’, ‘male or female’, ‘yes or no’, ‘love or hate’ and so on and so forth.
But there is a state of cognition which is beyond limitations. All we need is to tune our cognitive tools to capture the higher frequencies of existence. Just as the sound from the radio box transforms from being static to a beautiful song once we tune it to a particular frequency, so does our intelligence too.
Our Intelligence is now attacked by the epidemy of limitations. We allow our limited mind, intellect and senses to lead our cognitions. What if you know how to tune the cognitive tools to receive the signals of unlimitedness? What if you can transform intelligence to intuitions?
That energy which can help you do this is called Chinnamasta. By chanting the Beeja Mantra of Ajna Chakra and contemplating on the Chinnamasta Yantra one opens the doorways of powers to overcome the epidemy of limited cognition and tune the cognitive tools to experience the unlimitedness.
From here the actual journey of Spiritual Experiences begins. Wonders happen and Mysteries of Life get revealed. Answers to all your questions lay dormant here awaiting your arrival from deep below Mooladhara to Ajna.
Day 8 : Transcendental Wisdom
Japa : Bindu Mantra
Chakra : Matangi Yantra (Bindu Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvasiddhi Tantra
The Eighth Aspect of Sadhana is to taste and experience the Nectar of Unlimitedness by being within the jar of Limitedness. All this while you might have experienced life in its limitedness. But this is the stage where you experience a transcendental Life.
A transcendental wisdom dawns within. The cosmic, astral, etheric and universal existence is experienced just as you experience the sweetness of the honey on your palm. The supreme consciousness, the supreme knowledge which was a distant reality becomes a Real Time experience.
Also read – The Concept of God in Yoga Philosophy
Nothing remains unknown. This all-powerful state of being is called Matangi. The Nectar of Unlimitedness that flows from the Bindu chakra can be experienced by consistent sadhana of Japa and contemplation on Matangi Yantra.
Day 9 : Blissfulness
Japa : Sahasrara Mantra
Aura : Tripura Yantra (Sahasrara Chakra)
Dwara : Sarvanandamaya Tantra
The Ninth and Final Aspect of Sadhana is to be in that unlimited state of Blissfulness. The state of being which is expressed in different terminologies in all different schools of Philosophies.
The Conclusion
The more I try to explain, the more I might mislead you from what it is as a subjective experience. So let us together aspire for a Life Divine during this Navaratri and gain the Blessings of the Divine Mother.