Law Of Attraction & Indic Schools Of Wisdom


Picture of Yogacharya  Aravind Prasad

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad

Founder, E-RYT 500


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Yoga Philosophy

Vedanta Yoga

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Samyut Yoga Blog

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“Yad bhavam tad bhavati”

The Universe responds to your Thoughts & Feelings

In recent years we can see that ‘Law of Attraction’ has gained a lot of attention and popularity. Though the idea seems modern and trendy, it has its very roots in the ancient Indic Wisdom particularly in Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga.


Law of attraction proves that our thoughts and feelings are capable of shaping our future. What we focus on can potentially manifest as our reality.


The concept of attractions, power of feelings and thoughts are all discussed in various forms for centuries. The very theory got famous through the documentary named “The Secret ” by Rhonda Byrne in 2006.


At the heart of the Law of Attraction the Universe responds to your thoughts and feelings regardless of them being positive or negative. So, if you think positive you attract positive and if your thoughts are crude and negative, the universe sends a negative response.


Visualization, affirmations and manifesting thoughts are other powerful concepts that this Law speaks of.  Through vivid visualization of you being there already where you want to be can also create an expected future as you wish to be.

Law of Attraction in Vedanta

Vedanta speaks of mastery of mind as a major requirement to overcome ignorance and lead life towards well-being and self-transformation.


Chandogya Upanishad speaks of resolutions (Sankalpa) as powerful intentions to which the universe responds. The will power according to Vedanta is the foundations of desires and actions. Desires and Actions shape destiny.


Vedanta also speaks of Mind as the tool that binds a man into a loop of rebirth and Mind is the tool with which he can escape the vicious cycle of Life and Death.

Law of Attraction in Tantra & Yoga

Just like Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga too directly emphasizes on the concept of Mind and its power to transform life at different dimensions of existence.


Tantra and Yoga elucidates the interconnectedness of Body, Mind, Intellect and Psyche and the mutual impact of these dimensions of Life. Practices like Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, and Dhyana are all to channelize the disturbed and fluctuating thoughts towards well-being.


The Law of Attraction has always been part and parcel of Indic Mystical Wisdom that advocates the importance of Mindfulness, Well-being and Self-Transformation.


It has been well established by the mystics and yogis of India that the moment you focus on conscience and higher purpose of life, the abundance of life is realized.


This invites a mind to think and desire positive which results in attracting everything positive for growth and transformation.  

How to Practice Law of Attraction

1. Communicate with the Universe

Paulo Coelho in his book The Alchemist mentions that the Universe is ready to commit a conspiracy to provide you with what you really need. Hence you have to send out the message of your need for health harmony and happiness to the universe loud and clear.

2. Visualize Abundance & Prosperity

Just like a beautiful painting on the canvas, visualize the painting of your achievements, both past and future, on the canvas of presence and give strength to this visualization by letting your mind encourage you to do actions that can bring the visuals within the mind to become a reality.

3. Focus on what you Aspire and Need

It becomes difficult for your mind to Visualize or even imagine a life of abundance if you give space for the negative to patrol around your past failures and uncertainties of future.


 As a result, you end up attracting all that you want to avoid in life. Hence focus more, contemplate upon what you need rather than what you don’t want.

4. Emphasize Gratitude

Constant reminder to the mind that all success and expected results of actions in life are a reply from the universe to what you aspired to.


By doing so the Ego of you being the cause of success reduces and a sense of gratitude develops towards all the factors and people who directly or indirectly have been a reason in attracting Life the way it is not for you.

5. Avoid Blame Game

While developing a sense of gratitude, the opposites will exhibit its force to replace gratitude and that manifests as blaming others for your failures, problems and chaos in Life. Hence be vigilant and carefully channelize your mind towards creating space for gratitude and not Blame.

The Conclusion

While developing a sense of gratitude, the opposites will exhibit its force to replace gratitude and that manifests as blaming others for your failures, problems and chaos in Life. Hence be vigilant and carefully channelize your mind towards creating space for gratitude and not Blame.

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