How (Pranayama) Yogic Breathwork Can Transform Your Brain


Picture of Yogacharya  Aravind Prasad

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad

Founder, E-RYT 500


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Yoga Psychology

Tantra Yoga

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Samyut Yoga Blog

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The Brain Cells

Recent studies have shown a drastic increase in people complaining about forgetfulness, mood swings, difficulty in articulating thoughts, random twitching of muscles and inability to understand relationships. Seldom we might have thought that this has to do with our lifestyle or life habits.


Yes! Science has labeled the above factors as the symptoms of your brain cells aging much faster than you can imagine. They also have named this disorder as “Brain Atrophy”. To put it in simple words, it is a mal-functioning of Neurons.


How to overcome this or avoid this from happening to you as you age? In a life filled with responsibilities and less time for selfcare, finding effective ways to be healthy has become a luxury. But one ancient practice that has proved itself to be an effective way of wellbeing is Pranayama.

Pranayama and The Brain

But how does Pranayama influence the Brain? Yogis have known this fascinating science behind the simple breathing techniques that can help us harness power to live healthy. Pranayama, derived from the Sanskrit words “prana” (life force) and “ayama” (extension or enhancement) refers to the practice of regulating the breath to enhance the flow of prana within the body.


Did you know that the olfactory Nerves are directly connected to the brain and these nerves are right within the space of your nostrils? Every breath that you take in has to pass through these nerves which is why you are able to cognize different smells around you.  Yogis used to work with the air that passes through these nerve cells to communicate with the brain cells and manipulate the way it functions. Hence Pranayama or yogic breathing techniques are secret yet simple methods to fill brain cells with life force.

The Benefits of Pranayama

Impact of Pranayama on your brain has been studied and proven through many scientific studies. They reveal that you can control your brain through breath. Which is exactly what yogis did to master their mind and life. Here are a few benefits to prove how pranayama can transform your brain.


  1. Enhanced Cognitive Functions
  2. Reduced Stress and Balanced Emotions
  3. Improved Blood Circulation
  4. Enhanced Oxygenation
  5. Improved Mindfulness and Memory
  6. Stronger control over instincts and habits

To know more about the impact of Pranayama on your Brain , you shouldn’t miss the workshop on “Anatomy of Pranayama” conducted by Yogacharya Aravind Prasad, Founder and lead Mentor at Samyut Yoga.

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