devotion The practice of Self-Evolution


Picture of Yogacharya  Aravind Prasad

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad

Founder, E-RYT 500


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Raja Yoga

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Samyut Yoga Blog

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Nature of Devotion

Devotion is often perceived as an external act. It is even misunderstood as a mere worship and ritualistic act performed to please the higher power, where the focus and importance is more upon external ceremonies, decorations, rituals and nowadays a lot of selfies too.

Many believe devotion to be an act of seeking favors or blessings from the divine, by creating a transactional relationship with whatever they believe to be divine. It is also expressed as a gesture of love and respect towards higher power.

However, I feel devotion is much more profound and pristine. It is far more intricate and intimate to oneself. At its core, Devotion is not about the transaction where you offer prayers and seek something that you greed in return.

Rather it is about an inner aspiration for the divine intervention in transforming and transcending one’s own limitations.  The Divine does not need our devotion for its existence but we need divinity within us to exist beyond the limitations of Ego, Pride and Self-centeredness.

Devotion is a transformative process that transcends you from the limitations of life and realizes the wonders of divinity within. Devotion is all about awakening divinity within rather than demanding something from the external.

Dissolving The Ego

The very first barrier of aspiration for Divine Intervention in our life is our very own Ego. Devotion is a very powerful tool that can dismantle this barrier. The ego thrives on a delusion that you are so important, you are “all-capable” and everything is possible because of you.

But Devotion, once it takes over your mind, can drive you out from the cage of me and I. It can open up the doorways of inclusiveness and better awareness about yourself and the world around you.

As devotion deepens, the grips of Ego loosen and you no more feel the urge to prove yourself superior. Devotion is all about that Inner surrender rather than external rituals.  

Humbling the Pride

Pride is the progeny of Ego. Pride often makes you feel that you are independent, self-sufficient and successful. Pride deludes you to an extent that you start believing that you can navigate through life without any support, guidance or higher purpose. In fact, you feel nothing is higher than your hard work, success and identity.

Pride is the second obstacle that Devotion can rip apart. In quiet moments of devotion, within the sound of silence, you will hear your inner voice whispering to you that you are not the master of your Life. You will also learn in those moments, that it is not pride, rather humility as your inner strength.

Devotion will compel you to witness your weaknesses and drive you out of them with all love and compassion. It will keep you aligned with your actual purpose and guide you through the darkness of life.

Transcending selfishness

The most subtle and hidden obstacle is Selfishness. It creeps into your life as ambitions, goals and sometimes even as passion.  It isolates us far from the divine flow of life that unites and binds us with nature around us.

Selfishness withers you apart just like the torn pieces of a beautiful fabric. Devotion is a powerful tool which can stitch you back into one piece of Divinity.

Devotion can teach you that you are not separate from the world around you. Rather, you are whatever you are because of the world around you. It brings you closer to the essence of life. Devotion can transform your selfishness to wholesomeness.

Manifesting Divinity Within

As the layers of Ego, Pride and Selfishness are dismantled, ripped apart and dissolved through devotion, what emerges is your true nature. The real you will shine bright on the throne of devotion.

Devotion is not to elevate our imagination rather it is to awaken the experience of our true Divine Nature within. Devotion is not about pleasing the god or seeking approval, rather it is dissolving our limitations within.

Ironically, Devotion manifests within when your Ego, Pride and selfishness are agitated and disturbed. Humiliation, Suffering and Loneliness are great teachers who can help you learn what actual Devotion is.

Start Practicing

So do not weep like a baby about your sufferings or rattle like a snake about your humiliations and loneliness to God and name it as devotion. Rather express your gratitude to that higher power that chose you to go through life situations that awakened an opportunity to see through those problems and learn that you are beyond these limitations and all you need is a deep sincere aspiration of Divine Intervention. That sincere aspiration is called Devotion.

The Conclusion

It is very rare that many get a chance to be a sincere devotee. If you have that chance then do not lose it by weeping, rattling and blaming. Rather allow the divine intervention to take care of your Life and let the DIVINE WILL manifest through all your actions, thoughts and words. That faith in divine intervention for self-transformation is Devotion.

Through devotion let us find Health, Happiness, Harmony and a profound purpose of our Life.


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