Samyut Yoga Gurukulam

Philosophy of Vedanta Yoga as the foundation of Yogic wisdom

What is Gurukulam?

Gurukulam is a Sanskrit word that literally means “huge – family”. Gurukulams in ancient India were the educational centers. The education system then, was more holistic than academics.  Gurus and disciples used to live together in a hermitage to gain the wisdom of Yoga and Self -Transformation.

How is Samyut Yoga a Gurukulam?

Unlike other schools of Yoga, Samyut Yoga as a center for Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mysore, has a rare combination of Ancient Traditional Wisdom curated for the Modern Curious Mind. You can see a strong traditional rooting with scientific, rational and logical approach to Yoga as Practical philosophy and life science at Samyut Yoga.

Located under the foothills of Chamundi Hills, you can feel the vibes of ancient Indian Gurukulam in the premises of Samyut Yoga. You get a rare opportunity to live and learn different dimensions of Life during Yoga Teacher Training Course. Hence Samyut Yoga is nothing less than a yoga Gurukulam.


Programs at Svayam Yoga


The webinars , workshops, and Courses on the Philosophy of Vedanta Yoga deals with the Knowledge of  Mystical Ancient Wisdom of Vedanta, Tantra, and Yoga as Prescribed by the Mystics of Indic Wisdom. 

Tantra Yoga


The webinars , workshops, and Courses on the Psychology of Tantra Yoga adds value to life through the Mystical Methodologies of Physical ,Subtle, and Spiritual dimensions for Well-being and Self Transformation.

Raja Yoga


The  workshops, Courses, and Yoga Teacher Training Programs in the Hatha and Ashtanga Tradition of Raja Yoga Provides a Strong Foundation for the Practice of Vedanta Yoga and Tantra Yoga.

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad with his Guru

Samyut Yoga is established with a strong ideology that Yogic practices can be found in every traditional school of Indic Wisdom. Though Yoga and Tantra, as a school of philosophy emerged much later, it has been a lifestyle of all Vedic and vedantic scholars.

While Vedanta and Tantra is all about the philosophical and Psychological approach, Yoga is the practical applications of the Philosophy and Psychology.

Every yogic Aspirant embarks on the quest for online or offline programs driven by 3 predominant motivations.

  • A segment of them seek profound understanding of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.
  • Others aspire to understand the deeper meaning, values and purpose of life.
  • Meanwhile, some pursue these programs with a motive to solve specific problems or to cultivate a professional and personal identity.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses, all other workshops and retreats at Samyut Yoga are very unique. Not many Yoga schools or teachers understand the interconnections of 3 traditional schools of Indic Wisdom. Yogacharya Aravind Prasad, Founder and Lead Trainer at Samyut Yoga, has 15 years of experience in the field of Vedanta, Yoga and Tantra. He has carefully amalgamated the philosophy, psychology and practices of Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga with all experience that he has in the said tradition.


With proper guidance and his Guru’s blessings, he has skillfully designed the teacher training courses at Samyut Yoga to offer the best traditional learning experience. Samyut Yoga can enrich different dimensions of one’s life through the profound insights of Philosophy of Vedanta Yoga, Psychology of Tantra Yoga and Practice of Raja Yoga.


The Vision of Svayam Yoga


Samyut Yoga will be the yogic destination that unifies philosophy, psychology and practice of Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga to facilitate scientific and mystical wisdom for every modern Mind.



Samyut Yoga is a yogic space that aspires to inspire and transform the modern mind to evolve as a yogic being through practice of Unity and Oneness beyond geographical and dogmatic boundaries.



Samyut Yoga strongly believes that Yoga is a practical methodology to apply the Philosophy and Psychology of Life Science for Self -Transformation and Universal Unity.

we're different than the rest

The WISDOM, TRADITION & THE SPACE shared by Samyut Yoga is in itself a 

unique Experience that one shouldn’t miss in life.

Welcome to SAMYUT YOGA where the Mystical Science meets the Modern Mind.

Programs at Svayam Yoga


Unlike any other Yoga school, Samyut Yoga has a traditional and authentic approach to the Yogic aspects established in Vedanta & Tantra. We honour the eternal legacy of Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga as 3 different, yet unified aspects of human life.


Hence “Vedanta Yoga” lays the strong philosophical foundation at Samyut Yoga Gurukulam.

Samyut Yoga Gurukulam is the amalgamated manifestation of Philosophy, Psychology and Practice of the Mystical Wisdom for Holistic wellbeing and Self-Transformation.


While Vedanta provides the philosophical foundation for self-transformation, Tantra demystifies the subtle psychological aspects of human existence; and Yoga is the practical navigation of life to realize Integral wellbeing through self-transformation by working with Body, Life and Mind. 

Tantra Yoga


Tantra Yoga delves into the psychological aspects of human existence and consciousness. It provides insights that enhance our understanding of the subtle dimensions of human behavior. Tantra, along with Mantra and Yantra, has always served as a powerful tool for self-transformation and yogic growth.


Modern human existence revolves around balancing personal, professional, and relational dimensions of life. It is through this balance that wellbeing and self-transformation become possible. Health, Happiness, and Harmony are the foundational pillars of wellbeing, and Yoga aims to manifest well- being on the foundation of the said pillars in life.


A healthy, happy, and harmonious mind is essential for contemplating a spiritual life. Therefore, Tantra Yoga plays a crucial role in guiding individuals towards achieving this balance and nurturing a mind capable of spiritual growth by addressing the deeper psychological elements of our being.

Raja Yoga


Yoga, as a school of practice and philosophy, is deeply rooted in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This classical text is an authentic source of yogic wisdom. Yoga Sutras have the philosophy of Vedanta at its core. The psychological aspects of Tantra Yoga are an addition to the core ideologies of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga. The Modern world of Yoga has classified the same as Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga.


All workshops, retreats, and 200hrs yoga teacher training programs at Samyut Yoga adhere to the authentic, traditional, and practical solutions provided by the Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga schools of Raja Yoga. Samyut Yoga follows the tradition established by Patanjali, Swatmarama, and other traditional Yoga gurus of Indic Wisdom.


Samyut Yoga, as a traditional school, emphasizes an integrated approach to the practices of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta. By blending these practices, Samyut Yoga provides a comprehensive framework for students to achieve a holistic yogic experience of Self-Transformation and Well-being. 

The Founder

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad

As a Curious seeker of answers to many questions, Yogacharya Aravind Prasad after his schooling, became an inmate of a Gurukulum that follows ancient indic teaching methodology, where he dedicated 6 years of his teenage away from his family towards learning Yoga, Veda , Vedanta and other indic scriptures under the tutelage of different gurus and scholars.

His skills of communication and Knowledge about Yogic and Vedantic psychology, philosophy, and Practice paved the way towards working on Indian culture and wisdom on the soils of South America.

Returning back to India, He established a prestigious yoga institute along with two of his yogic friends and was a lead yoga trainer for more than 2000 international aspirants over a period of 15 years. Soon realizing that the time for his self-sadhana had to be prioritized over teaching, he decided to quit as the Director of that institute and decided to focus more on curating himself as a better yogic being.

After 3 years (2021-24) of break from formal teaching and time dedicated to Self-introspection, realization, and learnings from his sadhana, he is now ready to share his wisdom with all those who seek transformation and harmony


Samyut Yoga Forum

Introducing the Samyut Yoga Forum, an initiative designed to unite yoga aspirants from around the globe who participate in our Yoga Teacher Training Programs. This platform fosters a sense of unconditional unity, creating a supportive yogic family dedicated to nurturing health, harmony, and happiness. Through the Samyut Yoga Forum, members can connect, share experiences, and support each other on their journey towards personal and collective well-being. Join us in building a global community where the principles of yoga are lived and celebrated every day. As a prestigious member of this Forum, you get few major benefits for free as follow

  1. Free access to discuss, question and share your activities related to yoga with the International Yoga Community of Samyut Yoga

  2. Samyut Yoga Forum will be a platform for you to share the details of your yogic journey, retreats and workshops on Yoga. All members of the group will help you by sharing the info with their friends, family and other interested yoga communities.  Imagine if you are in need of a creative sequence for your practice and someone from the forum share the ideas that can help you!! Amazing, isn’t it?

  3. Podcasts, Blogs, Posts and Newsletters related to Yoga, Ayurveda, Mindfulness, Healing, Therapy, Health, Diet, Nutrition and other such topics that you would like to publish will be co-published for free by Samyut Yoga Forum. This helps is reaching out to more people across the globe.

  4. You will have access to interact with Yogacharya Aravind Prasad regarding problem solving, yoga business planning, teaching modules and other yoga related queries.

  5. As a member you can host Yogacharya Aravind Prasad for your retreats, workshops and teacher training programs.

  6. You can also choose to collaborate with Samyut Yoga as an Individual or an organization to organize yoga programs across the globe.

  7. Samyut Yoga Forum will be a platform for all Yoga aspirants of Samyut Family to share their ideas about a passion that we all have in common which is YOGA. 


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