5 Dimensions Of Happy Life As A Yoga Teacher


Picture of Yogacharya  Aravind Prasad

Yogacharya Aravind Prasad

Founder, E-RYT 500


Picture of Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

Tantra Yoga

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Samyut Yoga Blog

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Happiness resides within you!

What if I told you Happiness is not something that you search and try to find outside. Happiness is something that is within you and all you need to do is explore it out?


Yes Happiness is nothing but a wonderful integration of physical, mental, social, professional and spiritual well-being. It’s all about living life fully.


It’s about being healthy, happy and harmonious. Happiness is not just the absence of sadness rather it is about integral well-being which involves five different dimensions of life.

Physical Dimension

‘Shareeram aadyam khalu dharma sadhanam’ -Kumara-Sambhavam 5.33

Physical Body is the basic instrument to execute all commitments of Life.


Indian Lifestyle always prioritized the wellbeing of the physical body as it is revered as the basic tool to execute all human commitments and responsibilities. It is through the physical body that anyone can accomplish and realize all human activites.


When physical well-being is compromised, the experience of happiness is minimal and hardly cognized as the mind involves itself in informing the brain that there is problem, pain and disorder.


Hence The practical application of Vedanta Yoga and Tantra Yoga through the Hatha and Ashtanga school of Raja Yoga is emphasized at Samyut Yoga and in all the Yoga Teacher Training Programs.

Mental Dimension

“Mana eve manushyanaam Kaaranam Bandha Mokshyoh”

Mind is the source of all bindings and freedom that a human experiences.


This dimension of life is all about our emotions, feelings, thoughts, likes, dislikes, memories, ideas, and the way you identify yourself as an emotional or intellectual being.


Mental wellbeing is another important dimension of life that can significantly impact our state of happiness. Hence this dimension depends upon how you cope up with the challenges of life mentally and how well you are able to share your emotions and other aspects of mind with others.


Hence at Samyut Yoga we focus on consulting the mind, preparing the mind and transforming the mind towards change and well being. All sessions at Samyut Yoga on 8 limbs of yoga during our workshops, retreats and 200 hrs yoga teacher training programs focus on mental well being. Mind is the seat of Happiness.

Social Dimension

An effort to live in harmony with nature, people and situations of your life provides a framework to the social dimension of Life. The way you relate with yourself and the world around you can impact your state of happiness.


Forming an intimate relationship that involves mutual respect and love is a very important aspect of this dimension of life. At Samyut Yoga we focus on this Dimension through our sessions on yogic psychology and Relational Wellbeing.


Yama and Niyama of Ashtanga Yoga as prescribed by Patanjali is all about manifesting happiness in life as a social being.

Professional Dimension

Another most important dimension of life that can significantly impact our happiness is our professional or occupational wellbeing. Happiness through Professional dimension can be manifested only through rewards, satisfaction and stress free job.


When your skills do not cope up with the needs and demand at your job is when stress arises and Happiness diminishes at work. Professional well being or happiness also depends on how well you are able to balance it with the other dimensions of your life.


Hence Yogacharya Aravind Prasad  in his sessions on professional wellbeing for the corporates and entrepreneurs always encourages the students and all yogic aspirants to synchronize profession with their passion.


Passion is something that makes us happy and no hard work seemingly will be hard if you love what you do and end up sensing happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction.

Spiritual Dimension

“Daivam cha atra panchamam”

The unseen factor that emerges out of all our sincere efforts is subtle and divine.




That which guides us and acts as a trigger point of all our desires, actions and planning is most of the times called as inspiration, motivation, guru or sometimes even god.


In Yoga Psychology, the concept of divinity is an expression of your existence, consciousness and bliss beyond the limitations of Ignorance, Illusions and Pain.


Spiritual wellness is beyond the limitations of those religious or dogmatic ideas that can bind you with limitedness. Samyut Yoga strongly believes that Spiritual dimension is a very subtle unseen and most important aspect of wellness that can impact our state of happiness.


Through Spiritual wellness all other dimensions can be easily understood and manifesting happiness in life becomes much easier.


Happiness is the byproduct of integral wellbeing of all the above mentioned dimensions of Life. 200 hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training at Samyut Yoga are the best gifts that you can give yourself or your loved ones to overcome the chaotic life and experience happiness through enhancing the wellbeing of these 5 different dimensions of Life through Yoga.


Every one who aspires to lead a happy life regardless of them planning to be a yoga teacher or not, can attend the teacher training programs at Samyut Yoga.

The Conclusion

Happiness is the byproduct of integral wellbeing of all the above mentioned dimensions of Life. 200 hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training at Samyut Yoga are the best gifts that you can give yourself or your loved ones to overcome the chaotic life and experience happiness through enhancing the wellbeing of these 5 different dimensions of Life through Yoga.

Every one who aspires to lead a happy life regardless of them planning to be a yoga teacher or not, can attend the teacher training programs at Samyut Yoga.

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